Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Biosolids on the radio

Those who know a little bit about my professional work will call me a soil scientist. Those that know me well, however, know that organic residual management is my jam. What is 'organic residual management' you ask? I suppose this means that if something was once alive, or a live animal defecated it, and then it became garbage... well that's where I see a resource. That's where I see the possibility for excellent, natural, nutrient-rich soil amendments. Generally this means that I work in the world of manures, biosolids, and yard and food waste. Yep, stinky garbage is what I'm all about. This is really cool work because it connects sustainable waste management with sustainable soil management. Does it get any better???

Me being a soil scientist. Standing in front of compost treatment #5 at a soil restoration project on Vashon Island, WA. Feel free to make fun of the orange overalls. They keep me dry, so I love them despite what anyone has to say about their aesthetic appeal, or lack there of.

That's my friend Bryan fully enjoying this load of GroCo, a biosolids-based compost.
I feel ya Bryan. GroCo has a similar affect on me.

Last week my former boss and graduate committee chair, Sally Brown, visited Kansas State University to give a guest lecture. As part of her visiting guest lecturer duties, she sat for an interview at the local radio station, for a program called "Agriculture Today" (pretty slick). There, she talked about the joys and benefits of biosolids. Biosolids are an especially cool topic because they are the waste product that every single one of us city dwellers helps to create, yet so many of us have never even heard of them. To hear Sally's 10 minute take on why she loves biosolids watch below. I thought it was an excellent interview...

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